
Saturday 25 May 2013

Church of "Panagia Eleousa" in Archimadrita's old settlement, Pafos

Church of "Panagia Eleousa"

After our visit in the old Archimandrita settlement we went to look at the Church of the village.

Although the village is abandoned, the Church is well preserved mainly to the attention given by the authorities of the new settlement of Archimandrita village.

The Church devoted to Holy Mother is called "Panagia Eleousa". Inside someone can admire the old temple and also copies of the original icons of Holy Mother.

The original icons of "Panagia Eleousa" and "Panagia Deousa" were moved some years ago to the Ecclesiastical meseum of Pafos. Unfortunately during the trasnfer the icon of "Panagia Deousa" was stolen and is still missing.

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