
Friday 5 July 2013

Archimandrita River, Pafos

Archimandrita River 

After our visit in the old settlement of Archimandrita that day, we thought of going even further into the mountain to find the river.

Archimandrita like many other villages in Cyprus in the past, were established near rivers in order to survive and thrive.

Our expedition was more than expected! We drove through the river for some time, which still had water and had the chance to admire the scenery around us.

After we stopped we could hear the frogs singing us we walked further into the river exploring nature. As we learned, there is the opportunity for camping near by although few people are aware of that possibility. I guess its like a little secret for the few...!!!

I guess being so close to nature and feeling the peace and quiet, can only make you feel better. That is what we all felt during our visit there!

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