
Monday 17 June 2013

I "Vrysi tou Kaourou", Agros village, Pitsilia area, Limassol

I "Vrysi tou Kaourou"

Agros village in Pitsilia area is definitely one of the most important villages to visit in Cyprus for too many reasons.

One of the main attractions of the village is the water-source  "Vrysi tou Kaourou" (Kaourou=Crab).

The water-source, dating back in 1909, was the main source of water in the village for decades. In 1938 it was reconstructed in its today form.

The water is always cold and fresh as it comes from a major spring within the mountains. My great grand father who lived there most of his life, used to put his head underneath the water summer or winter to wake up!

Legend has it that single women that drink water from this place, will get married to a man whose origins are from Agros!

I do not know if that is true, but none the less, it still remains a must visit place if you are passing by Agros village!


  1. Good job I didn't drink from there then when we were there last month. I don't think my husband would have been impressed :-)
    Seriously though, I do wish they did not paint the well blue like that. It's not a good colour at all.
    We were in Agros village at the Rose Festival weekend. We were staying in Potamatissa village at the Ambelikos Hotel and visited Agros and Zoopigi.
    My "well" photo here plus many others over the weekend:

  2. Thank you for the comment. I can also see in your pictures my grandfathers house who produces nice pure honey!
    Agros is a lovely village with many things to see and do!
