
Wednesday 26 November 2014

Holy Relics of Saint Filippos, Latsia, Nicosia

Holy Relics of Saint Filippos

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and we decided to spend the day in Nicosia.

For the past few days we have been discussing to visit the Church of Saint Filippos at Latsia. The reason was that the Holy Relics (Kara) of Saint Filippos would be in display for just a few days.

Thus we drove to Latsia area which is just outside Nicosia towards Limassol.

It was the first time we visited the Church of Saint Filippos and also the first time to see the Holy Relics. At the time we arrived it was not crowded but people kept coming at the Church to pray and see the Holy relics.

The Church of Saint Filippos at Latsia is the only one in Nicosia dedicated to the Saint and one of the three in the Cyprus. The memory of the Saint is celebrated on November 14th and marks the beginning of the fasting season for the Christmas period.  

Monday 24 November 2014

The Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, Saranti village, Pitsilia area, Nicosia

The Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, Saranti village

Saranti village is definitely one of our favorite destinations for all sorts of reasons. It wasn't though until very recently that we found another one.

The local priest-Pater Christodoulos, gave us the opportunity to visit the small Church of the village that is dedicated to Saint Constantine and Saint Helen. The story of the two Saints is very well known especially in Cyprus as they passed from our island, on their way back to Byzantium ,from their visit to the Holy Places to recover the Cross that Jesus Christ was crucified.

The Church as we were told dates back to the 16th century! It looks more recent though due to the renovation that took place in the 1960's.

Inside one can clearly see some of the well preserved wall paintings one of which is of the two Saints holding the Holy Cross! The template is wooden craft with some old and some new images of Saints.

If you happen to visit the village or you are in the area we suggest a visit at this beautiful Church!

In order to visit the Church one must find Pater Christodoulos who lives in the village.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

A visit at Agios Therapon Church, Lythrodontas, Nicosia

A visit at Agios Therapon Church

It was October 29 and we decided to visit the village of Lythrodontas outside Nicosia towards Limassol and the Church of Saint Therapon.

The Holy Relics of Saint Therapon were on display and 3 day festivities, called "Panygirin" took place. This year we were invited by our friend Dina, who grew up in Lythrodontas, to visit the Church of Saint Therapon and see the Holy relics in display.

We arrived around 21:00 at the Church at the center of the village. As we were told this was the new Church, as an older one dedicated again ot Saint Therapon is found further down the street.

The Church is surely one of the biggest we have seen in villages around Cyprus so far! The festivities each year in the memory of Saint Therapon gather a lot of people and we witnessed just that during the time we've spent there.

Saint Therapon was a Bishop in Cyprus and is a Saint who performed many miracles by curing sick people. The name Therapon comes form the word "therapia" which is synonymous with the word cure in the Greek language.


Thursday 6 November 2014

Nicosia view

Nicosia view

As we left Saranti village heading for Agros, and feeling no pressure to end our trip soon, we made several stops in between.

Just as we came to the cross road were you can either go straight to reach Chandria  village or left to Agros we made our first stop on the left side.

On that spot you can see amazing view of Nicosia and depending on the weather conditions the scenery can be very dramatic on autumn and winter.

The day was clear and the clouds along with the autumn colors made the view simply amazing! A recommended spot indeed for day or night.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Monument of Theodoros Zinonos, Holetria village, Pafos

Monument of Theodoros Zinonos

It was yet another beautiful Sunday in Pafos and we took the road to Salamiou village which passes from Nikokleia, Holetria and Stavrokonnou.

At Holetria we noticed a monument which we didn't see the last time we passed. We parked our car and had a closer look.

The monument is dedicated to Theodoros Zinonos who died at Holetria in 1958 at the age of 21. Theodoros Zinonos was a member of the EOKA movement.

The sign besides the monument indicates that the unveiling was on July 27 this year.